MK Food Bank presents:

Our World Record attempt for 2023!

World Food Day, Monday 16th October 2023
09:00 – 17:00
Campbell Park, Central Milton Keynes

Our Supporters!

‘MK Can’ – A World Record attempt, lining up 7km of cans for MK Food Bank.

MK officially CAN!
We are so proud of our amazing community here in Milton Keynes, it is incredible what we can achieve together and now we hold an official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS TM title of The Longest Line of Food Cans in the world to prove it!
We broke the record with 102,447 Cans of food all around Campbell Park, Milton Keynes!
This event will provide more than half of the canned food that MK Food Bank needs for an entire year, meaning we can continue to support thousands of families this winter. During the first half of 2023, demand increased by almost 40% on the same period as last year and the number of households receiving support doubled. Every single day, the Food Bank needs a minimum of 4,500 food items, £530 and 55 volunteer hours just to keep open.
Thank you to every single supporter, student, organisation, team, business, and individuals who gave their Cans to support this fantastic effort and braved the cold to complete this epic line of food cans at Campbell Park!
We made history, we did it together – MK CAN!
MK Food Bank presents ‘MK Can!’
Official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title holder for the longest line of food cans
Monday 16th October 2023
Campbell Park, Central Milton Keynes

About MK Food Bank

The cost of living crisis has had a significant impact on Food Bank operations.

During the winter of 2021/22, we saw demand for our emergency food parcels increase by nearly 50%. In the first half of 2023 we have distributed more than 13,500 parcels – numbers not seen since the pandemic. And, as food prices continue to rise, donations of food have sadly dropped – we believe as many of our supporters are also feeling the pinch.
With no end to this crisis in sight, we are thinking ahead to next winter, and how we can ensure we have enough food to help everyone.

MK Can will go a long way to fill our shelves and support our community.

Find out how you can help us further here:

How to add your Can to the World Record!

Here’s your opportunity to contribute to the MK Can route by donating here and helping with the world record attempt!

You can buy:

  • 5 cans of food
  • 10 cans of food
  • 20 cans of food

Or any amount you prefer!

We will buy the cans needed via this fundraiser for the 10km route for the public arena and you can come along after 3pm and view it for yourself!

We want everyone to be a part of this fantastic community event to help put Milton Keynes on the map, and to help residents in food poverty for the winter months ahead!

Businesses, Charities and Community Groups joining us for our World Record attempt!

Countdown to the World Record Attempt!!

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